Coastal Management
Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982
Local Strategies for Addressing Climate Change
February 2009
A NOAA publication that explains how climate change affects sea-level rise and details what different states are doing to address the issue.
NC CRC Resolution
February 12, 2009
Drafty resolution to create a North Carolina Beach, Inlet and Waterway Trust Fund.
Protecting Florida’s Communities
A guide on best development strategies and practices that reduce the impacts of flooding and coastal storms.
Resilient Coasts: A Blueprint for Action
Loss prevention and actions taken in the face of risk can be very beneficial in a dynamic climate.
Sinking Assets: A Decision Framework and Strategies for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in Florida
Michael Volk, Thomas Ruppert, Robert Deyle
The interaction between planning, design, and law to create a framework that addresses response planning for sea-level rise in Florida.
Reforming State-Level Coastal Management and Development Policies: Strategic Retreat as an Innovative, Proactive and Equitable Coastal Environmental Management Strategy
Andrew S. Coburn, John Whitehead
A brief introduction to strategic retreat as a sustainable coastal strategy and various issues that pose challenges to this concept.
The Dynamic Coast: Living With Shoreline Change
Coastal Heritage, Volume 24 , Number 4, Spring 2010
The growing concern of sea-level rise has prompted more discussion of what now needs to be done.
Topsail Voice: State Needs to Provide Annual Funding for Beaches
June 18, 2008
An editorial supporting state financial involvement in beach nourishment.
Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines
Western Carolina University
294 Belk
Cullowhee, NC 28723